Jan Karlshøj

Jan Karlshøj

Associate Professor

Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering

Section of Digital Building Technologies

Technical University of Denmark


Building 118, room 243

2800 Kgs. Lyngby

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News from DTU

Foto Mikal Schlosser
23 JUN

Exam with VR glasses improves design

Digital design of constructions and examinations with VR glasses reveal early weaknesses and challenges in construction processes.

Building design Building production and management IT and cyber security
Illustration: dynamoprimer.com
23 MAR

BEng graduates want design programs to communicate with each other

Two BEng graduates in Architectural Engineering pave the way for a new work process where data exchange between modeling and static calculation programs can minimize both time consumption and the risk of errors.

Building design Computer calculations Software and programming
Photo: Sabina Askholm Larsen/DTU
22 JAN

Joint design of tower blocks gives engineering student taste of industry life

How do you design a tower block without missing crucial details within the different subject areas involved in the process? That was the task to solve for 19 groups of graduate students during the past six months. The work has provided them with valuable experience that can be put to use in their future industry life.

Building production and management Building design Building construction